Friday, December 22, 2006

Nativity Scene

Wendy asked what was my Nativity Scene like?


The Rock solid Petrified Wood reminds us to rest on the rock of He, who accepted to rest on the wood for us!


The coral crib symbolises the continuity of the life it holds dear and its power over death. Where there is no pollution (sin), young coral, like our faith, traditionally grows over the skeleton of their centuries old ancestors.

Baby Jesus:

As He comes to shape the world, it is fitting that the light of the world is shaped out of a candle to rekindle our faith.

Next to the star, a dark circle surrounded by white represents darkness being swallowed by light.

Finally, at the foot of the base the trinity of the wise man left their presents.

Gold fit for a king.
Incense to be used by a priest.
Myrrh to be buried as a man!

From day one, they sure had His number figured out!

After 2006 years, do we yet?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Dad,

This is wonderful! I really like your Nativity scene. It is one that is made with love and thoughtfulness. Thank you for the explanation. It is beautiful.

With all my love,