Friday, December 22, 2006

Nativity Scene

Wendy asked what was my Nativity Scene like?


The Rock solid Petrified Wood reminds us to rest on the rock of He, who accepted to rest on the wood for us!


The coral crib symbolises the continuity of the life it holds dear and its power over death. Where there is no pollution (sin), young coral, like our faith, traditionally grows over the skeleton of their centuries old ancestors.

Baby Jesus:

As He comes to shape the world, it is fitting that the light of the world is shaped out of a candle to rekindle our faith.

Next to the star, a dark circle surrounded by white represents darkness being swallowed by light.

Finally, at the foot of the base the trinity of the wise man left their presents.

Gold fit for a king.
Incense to be used by a priest.
Myrrh to be buried as a man!

From day one, they sure had His number figured out!

After 2006 years, do we yet?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

LA VIE... (Life...)

La Vie

A travers la lumière de Dieu,
(By God’s light)

Nous sommes les miroirs de ce que nous aimons.
(we reflect all we love most)

Tantôt sur les sommets
(At times on mountain peaks)

Tantôt au ras de la mer.
(at times at sea level)

Tantôt le ciel nous invite vers l’infini
(At times the sky invites us to gaze into infinity)

Tantôt dans un tunnel ! Est-ce là que tout fini ?
(At times in a tunnel ! Is that where it all ends?)

Tantôt avec force nous soufflons notre joie
( At times we forcefully vent our joy)

Tantôt avec effroi Nous soupirons notre désarroi !
(At times we sigh with utterly cold despair)

Mon Dieu ! Notre Roi !
Tu as porté notre croix !
Alors en toi seul
Augmente notre foi !
(God our king !
You carried our cross
In you alone
Let us have faith)

Qu’on tente haut
(May we Aim high)

Qu’on ouvre toutes les portes
(May we open all doors)

Voila tout ce qui importe !
(that is what matters most Jonathan)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

What is God’s Christmas Wish To Us?

Do you hear what I Hear?
Do you see what I see?
A child! A child.
But Who is He?
A child so Mild!
Who can He Be?

To Hear - I closed my mouth.
To see – I closed my eyes.
And listened to the skies.
I heard the angels singing
I heard bells ringing.

I heard a voice say
This is the day
The Lord has made
Rejoice and be glad

With my son Jesus I give you my divinity.
Will you give me your humanity?
I can also give you eternity.
Will you give me your time?

I will give you redemption.
Will you give me your weary body?
I will give you my love.
Will you give me your broken heart?
I will give you my ALL
Will you give me your nothingness?

After 2006 years,
Are we ready to hasten to listen?
Do you hear what I hear?
Do you see what I see?
A child! A child!
May we be as Mild!

Again I heard the angels singing:
Peace to the world
The Lord is come!
Who are we? Who are we?

Are we ready to take up the refrain:
Here I am Lord.
Is it I lord?

Listen to His voice
Make the right choice
And Rejoice and be glad
For God is our Dad

Peace on earth to all man of God’s Will.

God's Christmas wish to us is my Christmas wish to All.

A Blessed Christmas


A healthy New Year!

Friday, December 15, 2006

A Humble Prayer Written by Eve

I say it every day. It is in keeping with my post: ‘Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence’ and one of the reasons I love Eve so much. Her prayer speaks of her infinite love and trust in the Divine. It is most appropriate under our present circumstances.

As I already told you, Eve has a uniquely beautiful heart. She is always ready to give and asks for so little for herself! I would so love to make her happy for ever. She deserves it so, so very much.

Contrary to appearances and to what the misinformed might believe, Eve is a much better person than I am. An old wise priest understood and readily recognized that. He told me that Eve will probably have a much higher place in heaven than I. I pray that she forgives me all my selfishness and offences and that sooner rather than later: ‘Son étoile filante échouera au creux de ma main’!

She has taught me so much about authentic love!

Je me recueille
Au Coeur de ta puissance
Et me livre à toi,
Telle la vague au rivage.

Tu me cueilles
Au cœur de ma faiblesse,
Fruit gorgé de souffrance
Que tu combles d’ivresse.

Je me courbe et frissonne
Sous tes cieux protecteurs,
Tu vibres et résonnes
Dans mes fibres en détresse.

Je te respire
Aux carrefours de ma vie,
Tu es mon sauveur, mon Dieu,
Mon premier et mon dernier cri.

(I humbly surrender to your power Lord … You know how to convert my weaknesses and pains into joy… When I bow under your protection, you make my distraught soul vibrate with your love. I inhale you Lord at every crossroad of my life. You are my Savior, my God. I called your name with my first breath and I will call it with my last!)

First American Title... Book Distributor Letter

Re: 'First American Title To Injustice'

Dear Madam/Sir,
I herein enclose your product submission form together with a copy of my book.

You ask why do I believe that the book has strong sales potential?

The book exposes flawed legal minds and a major player in the voracious title insurance industry as they eventually all participated in a snowballing fraudulent transaction.

Name recognition:

First American Title
… is a household name.

It has been the subject of recent Congress hearings.
It has been sued by various States as reported in the press across the US.
Forbes (November 13, 2006) has a lengthy article and an editorial on First American.

Hagens Berman… is also a well known name covered in press reports across the US.

They have been involved in a number of landmark class action cases in America such as:
‘Big Tobacco’, Enron, and the current Average Wholesale Price litigation going on in Boston against the Pharmaceutical Industry to name but a few!

This book offers another perspective into some of the underlying reasons for the wins and losses scored in the courts of law. Indeed in today’s virtual world, the notions of right or wrong are too often superseded by motions of law that convert the illegal into the legal.


The author shares the name ‘Leclezio’ with his cousin, the well known author.

The Topic is hot and current.

Finally the book leaves the reader with a compelling spiritual message. The Truth, the Light and the way are the only way!


The author is hoping to have interviews on various TV shows including Oprah as well as press reviews.


“I hope that through this book, through the American Congress and through the court of public opinion, the lawlessness of a few will end up serving the best interests of the many.” (p. 141)

“We further hope that a greater awareness of how flawed the American judicial system can be, may rescue others from potential despair at the hands of that same poor system. The laws of man, regardless of their presumed might should never ever be viewed as automatically right.” P.211

Because: “…the devils of despair are so hard at work at the anvils of evil.” P.197

“May our family’s suffering at the hands of Hagens and Berman and First American open a window on universal misery. May the poor, hungering for justice, point to the spiritual dearth of the opulent. May the anguish of those who are condemned to live in penury, expose the decaying heart of those who languish in the lap of luxury.”

You further asked that I wtite a short note about myself.

I could not do so any better than Bhishmadev Seebaluck has already done in his preface to the above book.

However, on a personal note, I will simply mention that I left Mauritius 41 years ago. In the course of those long years I learnt that to truly live, we can never leave forever.

Eventually in the autumn of our life, we experience this urge to return to our roots. We need to allow our soul to once again feel its native soil and to tap deep into the spring from where our very life sprung. In my opinion, only then is our soul equipped to live an eternal summer when our human nature finally dons on its cold winter garment.

When it was first published in August 2006, my book appeared to be a lone voice against a wild multi billion dollar corporation running away in the general wilderness of American big business. But Divine Providence willed that in its November 13, 2006 issue, Forbes magazine picked up on the very same notes of greed and legal lawlessness that I refer to in my book. And luckily when Forbes sings the whole business world tunes in!

For your information, I enclose copies of my letter to Forbes and the recent letter that accompanied my book to various members of the US Congress. In their ‘Readers Say’ section, Forbes published my recommendation to distribute their article broadly across the US. From tiny Mauritius, may my book now be also widely distributed throughout the world to put the American concept of ‘Justice for all’ in its true perspective.

I wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Most Sincerely,

Louis Leclezio.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

First American Title’s James J. Dufficy

Copy of Message posted on Yahoo/Finance/FAF/Message Board

Come on Duff duff the tuff puff, puff guy – Aren’t you the shark fafexec refers to? The bloodthisty 'litigate everything' attorney ? Glad to know you read this Yahoo/Finance/FAF message board.

Check out your picture on our blog (

There is uncanny mental telepathy between fafexec and us. Coincidentally I put your picture up on the wall the same day fafexec put his post on the board!

No wonder you are scrambling by sending ill thought out mail to me in order to protect your murky waters!

You thought that you could get away through corruption. But you misjudged the power of the truth. Quit blundering – Just do the right thing even if and when it goes against your predatory nature! Good luck sharky.