Friday, December 15, 2006

A Humble Prayer Written by Eve

I say it every day. It is in keeping with my post: ‘Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence’ and one of the reasons I love Eve so much. Her prayer speaks of her infinite love and trust in the Divine. It is most appropriate under our present circumstances.

As I already told you, Eve has a uniquely beautiful heart. She is always ready to give and asks for so little for herself! I would so love to make her happy for ever. She deserves it so, so very much.

Contrary to appearances and to what the misinformed might believe, Eve is a much better person than I am. An old wise priest understood and readily recognized that. He told me that Eve will probably have a much higher place in heaven than I. I pray that she forgives me all my selfishness and offences and that sooner rather than later: ‘Son étoile filante échouera au creux de ma main’!

She has taught me so much about authentic love!

Je me recueille
Au Coeur de ta puissance
Et me livre à toi,
Telle la vague au rivage.

Tu me cueilles
Au cœur de ma faiblesse,
Fruit gorgé de souffrance
Que tu combles d’ivresse.

Je me courbe et frissonne
Sous tes cieux protecteurs,
Tu vibres et résonnes
Dans mes fibres en détresse.

Je te respire
Aux carrefours de ma vie,
Tu es mon sauveur, mon Dieu,
Mon premier et mon dernier cri.

(I humbly surrender to your power Lord … You know how to convert my weaknesses and pains into joy… When I bow under your protection, you make my distraught soul vibrate with your love. I inhale you Lord at every crossroad of my life. You are my Savior, my God. I called your name with my first breath and I will call it with my last!)


Anonymous said...

Louis is most lucky to have found Eve. They deserve lots of happiness together

Anonymous said...

Eve est tellement bonne qu'elle aspire a la perfection en tout et en tous.
Mais cette perfection, elle la trouvera en Dieu seulement.
Entretemps elle la respire aux carrefours de sa vie.
Tout comme Eve, Louis aussi recherche la perfection.
Eve et Louis peuvent ensemble marcher vers et aateindre cette perfection Divine.