Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Fruits of Lenten Prayers & Meditations

Dear All,

I am thankful that during lent some of you have advised me how much you are enjoying reading: ‘Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence’ – ‘Confiance en le Providence Divine’ by Claude de la Colombiere and Abbe de Saint Jurre.

I have spent most evenings during Lent listening to: Table of Plenty, I go before you…, On the wings of a snow white dove, Gentle woman…,

Thereafter I have said the rosary while meditating on the mysteries. I love this picture that I took of Our Blessed Mother handing over the rosary to St. Dominic.

As Lent comes to an end and we are about to embrace the joyful resurrection of Easter, I would like to share with you two personal prayers. They are a great source of peace and joy to me. They are the fruits of my daily meditations on ‘Trustful Surrender…’ and are also the result of my examining my conscience daily.

The first prayer is simply an addition to the ‘Our Father…’ At the end of that wise prayer taught to us by Jesus, I now add: “Please Lord grant the necessary graces to all those we have offended so they will forgive us and deliver them from all evil caused by our offences as well as all other evil.” “Accordez les grâces nécessaires a ceux que nous avons offensé pour qu’il nous pardonnent et délivrez les de tout le mal causé par nos offenses et de tout autre mal.”

The second prayer has evolved around the Coptic woolen bracelet with the 33 knots representing the 33 years of Jesus given to me by Sœur Maridere at the Voirons Monastery.

On it I like to repeat: « Seigneur Jésus, je vous aime et je vous adore. Je mets toute ma confiance en votre volonté sachant que Vous continuerais à avoir pitié de moi un pauvre pécheur. » – My Lord Jesus, I adore You and I love You. I place all of my trust in You being confident that You will go on showing mercy to me, a miserable sinner.

Afterwards I read a chapter from an old book given to me by aunt Lilly. It is called: ‘Notre Dame de Tous Les Jours’ by Paula Hoesl – ‘Our Everyday Lady’. It speaks of the mysteries of the rosary and their individual fruits. I will share those with you some other day.

As a result of the above I have spent a most peaceful and enjoyable Lent. My prayerful Indian neighbor who is a teacher remarked to me the other day that he only has to look at me to know that I am never alone. I then asked him what does he teach? When he answered Math, I told him that I thought it was theology.

Have a most blessed 'Good & Holy Friday' and a joyful and peaceful Happy Easter.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dad,

As Lent draws to a close, I came to your blog to recommend that you read Sacramentum Caritatis, but I see that your Lent has been more fruitful than mine. Thank you for sharing what you are doing and the beautiful prayers that you are saying.

I pray that you have a very Happy Easter! I wish that I could be with you as we celebrate Christ's Resurrection.

With all my love,

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that I like the photos of Our Lady of the Rosary and your bracelet.