Monday, February 26, 2007

Anniversaire de tante Thérèse Leclézio

Devant sa photo, la photo de deux de ses filles, Marie Rose et Eve (toute fière de porter en elle la vie et la descendance de sa famille peu avant Noël 1990) nous avons prie pour leur bonheur éternel et leur bonheur sur terre.

Ayant termine aujourd’hui une neuvaine que récitait tante Thérèse a Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours, nous avons dit la prière que tante Thérèse adressée a Jésus pour ses enfants.

Que Dieu nous bénisse tous et nous comble de son amour et de tous ses bienfaits.

Didier and Valerie are joining Fernand and I for dinner at Spurs to celebrate. They are getting married in Rodrigues in early April and we hope Eve will be back with us by then!

For this we pray! Amen!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Mauritius Tropical Cyclone 'Gamede' - God's awesome power

Dear All,

Tropical cyclone Gamede is heading close to Mauritius. From the time a class three warning is issued drivers and their vehicles have three hours to make it home. Shortly before the class three warning was issued, I asked my favorite taxi driver, Jean Claude to take me to ‘Le Souffleur’, ‘Le Pont Naturel’ and ‘Gris Gris’.

Two of those three spots on the south coast of the island are not protected by the coral reefs. The full power of the wind whipped Indian ocean comes rolling and crashing against the rocky cliffs in awesome wonder.

On days like today, neither words, nor pictures can remotely convey the sense of grandeur and the spectacle that opens in front of my eyes even beyond the blurred horizon. I do not know how to take it all in! Vision, hearing, smell and feeling all compete for the spotlight.

The sea is awash with movement and color while the thundering waves that resonate through my ear drums dull any of Wagner’s greatest music. What to say of the forceful wind that tries so hard to send me flying through the air. Thank God I feel weighed down by the rapid succession of layers of sea mist that envelope me quicly leaving me tasting like a pillar of salt.

I thought about Victor Hugo’s poem ‘To Villequier’ « Voyant ma petitesse et considérant Votre grandeur, alors, je reprends ma raison devant l’immensité. Je viens a vous Seigneur, père auquel il faut croire. Je conviens qu’il est bon, je conviens qu’il est juste que mon cœur ait souffert puisque c’est Vous qui l’aviez voulu ! »

Et comme Eve que j’aime tant par tout les temps et pour tout les temps l’a si bien écrit : je reconnais qu’à un tel carrefour de ma vie je respire a plein poumon l’amour de Dieu. Il déferle en mon être tel la vague au rivage. Par, en et avec toute cette puissante beauté qui m’envahit, j’absorbe alors Dieu lui même, notre Créateur et notre Sauveur. Il est mon premier et mon dernier cri.

Chaque coup de vent devient un doigt divin qui fait vibrer les fibres de mon esprit en unisson avec la chanson dans mon cœur. Alors mes poumons et mon cœur serein dilaté par l’iode marin commande à mes poumons de crier et de chanter cette ode d’amour. Un refrain où je prie sans cesse pour que son étoile filante échoue non seulement au creux de ma main mais que sa bonne personne toute entière vienne aussi illuminer et ravir notre vie commune.


Monday, February 19, 2007

5th Anniversary of Mommy’s body leaving us!

Today’s bible quotes:

Sirach 1 – 10: “All wisdom comes from the Lord…shrewd understanding is from the Lord… and He conveyed her to those who love Him.”

Mk. 9:24: “Everything is possible for anyone who has faith”. – 29: Jesus said: “A certain kind of demons can only be driven out by prayer.”

I find that the following quote from Saint Augustine in Living Faith today speaks to Mommy and I standing by the window of the monastery high up in the French Alps shortly before Mommy died!

“One day not long before my other Monica died, we happened (appeared) to be alone. We stood leaning against a window overlooking a garden (the mountain tops) far from the crowds of the city. We were alone conferring very intimately. We asked what the eternal life of the saints would be like… and sought in our own little measure to reflect on something so great. We lifted ourselves in even more ardent longing… traversing all bodily creatures and heaven itself, whence sun and moon and stars shed their light upon the earth. Higher still we mounted by inward thought and wondering discourse on God’s works, and we arrived at the summit of our minds; and this too we transcended, to touch that land of never failing plenty where God pastures His flock with the food of truth.”

To be or to have? Thank You Lord for letting me ‘Be’! Until, together, we reach that land of never failing plenty!

Saint of the day: St. Conrad of Piacenza and his wife sacrificed their personal wealth to make restitution for the damages he had caused!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

First American - Jim Dufficy

Dear All,

What is impossible to man is possible to God!

You will recall how Mommy insisted years ago, that I go to this conference by father Santam Pinto, a priest from India. I often recalled his words: "If someone has done you wrong - Just take him/her and put him/her at the foot of the cross." Then he boomed loudly - "Don't throw him/her there hoping that he/she will break! No place him/her at the foot of the cross gently - And pray for him/her!"

Well recently, I placed Jim Dufficy at the foot of a powerful cross owned by saintly aunt Madeleine and given to me by aunt Lilly.

I am glad to copy the following from the Yahoo/Finance/FAF message board for your consideration!

I copied it below in its entirety!

For the Public Record:

Dear Mr. Leclezio,

I hope this letter will put an end to our long battles. Contrary to what I wrote to you in March 1998, I now believe that writing this letter to you is the correct thing to do. Moreover it offers long overdue reparation for the untold damages we at First American have caused you and your family.

My offer to you is somewhat akin to a nicotine patch. I am tired of blowing smoke and I am ready to cough up. I pray and hope that it will get me off the hook.

Although we have known each other for years, I agree that First American should never have created the unfortunate set of circumstances that caused us to meet and spar off for so long! You have brought our relationship to a level of unpleasantness that I can no longer bear! While we may have acted like the proverbial 800 pound gorilla, you have fallen on my promising career like a ton of bricks. In my own nightmares, I see you as a pit bull tearing me apart. I have family and you are dragging my name through the mud all over the World Wide Web. On the personal level, I deeply resent it.

Recently I wrote to you saying that you appear embittered by your loss against First American… or should I say: James J. Dufficy? After all, in the courts of law, I am First American. Please allow me to take back that statement and say rather that you have been empowered by your loss as it was unfortunately concocted and engineered by me. Today I deeply regret that my actions have reflected poorly on the First American Corporation.

Tom Brusca was right! I should never have litigated your case. It has dragged me and the company into the dirt for far too long.

I thought initially that by demanding that you stop slandering my name on the www, I would scare you into silence. I had wrongly assessed the power of the truth that is on your side.

I was a darn good spin doctor until you showed me up. You appear to be an alchemist turning silver into gold through your book and your flair for the weak and glaring spots in the darn yarn I spun.

It is my greed and blind ambition that has caused my occasional poor judgment. I am sorry that it has brought us to this impasse and am ready to offer a solution. Likewise, I recognize that it is the same corporate greed that has prompted Forbes to write an article on Title Insurance in which First American was grand titled and shamed!

You state that the truth will set us free. I humbly concur. It is high time for the truth to shine forth and for justice to prevail. We took snowballing ‘considerable risks’ and I have had enough of living a hurtful lie. The dubious and unusual business transaction we engaged in has been and continues to be too costly for all including our stockholders.

My superiors and I have reviewed your files. At the time First American chose for business reasons of its own to engage into a transaction with your fifty percent partner without your knowledge and approval, First American had valued your partnership property at $27.5 million. We presently appreciate the fact that years ago you offered to settle with us for a mere $6 million. Accordingly, we allow ourselves to be guided by that initial reasonable settlement offer. We add nominal interest calculated over the last seven years and we hereby gladly offer you $10 million for the publishing rights to your book.

Although we are aware that Hagens Berman wrote a two page letter to you on October 2, 2006 asking that you stop publishing and distributing ‘First American Title To Injustice’, I must state that your book causes us no real concern. But I repeat that this is simply the ‘correct’ thing to do.

Please feel free to publish my letter on your blog ( I have often read it with deep interest. I hope that your advisers and family will recommend that you accept my honest to goodness generous offer.

Most sincerely,

Jim Dufficy.

I guess that I shall wait and see if the agreement and cheque will indeed follow!

Keep up the prayers that justice finally prevails!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Blessed Be A Fruitful & Faithful Vine…

Dear All,

As the anniversary of Mama’s death nears, let us praise God for all the virtues that Mama was so full of – Her exemplary life as a wife, mother, grand mother and friend to so many - Her love for God and all - Her faith in God’s will and her fellow man, her unwavering faithfulness through thick and thin and the hope Mommy has filled us all with in parting.

Let us thank God and Mama for being such a fruitful vine!

A few days ago Wendy called. I could hear the excitement in her voice! Well! Dad we are expecting our third child! Blessed be God for this gift of life once again!
I congratulated Wendy and shared their joy!

Then opening my Bible by my side, I quickly checked the records and I was able to tell Wendy that I had been so hoping and praying for an encore.

In 1999, God blessed Mommy and me with three grand children in one year!

In 2001, (the year Mommy fell sick and First American, Hagens Berman and Zilly robbed us of millions of dollars and our right to Justice through a jury) God emphasized the supreme value of life beyond and over all else. God granted us that, which no man can rob us of – Three more grand children in one year!

In 2002, (the year Mommy went to meet Jesus) God again emphasized the continuity of life beyond death. The year that Mommy’s body left us, her genes and her charisma were to be passed down to three more grand children!

The gifts kept coming. In 2004 and 2005 the number of our descendants continued to grow by one and two a year. But would there ever be an encore? Would we ever be blessed with three more grand children in one year?

Finally 2007 had been marked by God to be such a ‘threesome’ year again!

In 2006 while my own life was hanging in the balance, Christine announced that she was expecting the gift of new life around Christmas time. But God knew best. He decided to answer my prayer and baby was born on January 1, 2007. With Lou and Marik’s baby due end of February 2007 and Wendy’s baby expected end of November; 2007 will be the fourth time God will have granted us three babies in the course of the same year. Thanks and praise be to God!

We rejoice at the thought of welcoming our 20th grand child by the end of the year.

We also wonder what price will Carl Hagens, Steve Berman, Jim Dufficy and Thomas Zilly be called to pay in this or the next life for having affected the overall quality of life of so many for generations to come?

Confident in God’s Divine Providence, we trust that while criminals in this world can attempt through perjury, tampering with documents and coercion to subtract worldly goods from us flowing from God’s bounty, He keeps adding to our riches through everlasting gifts.

It is not surprising either that while in the American law books it is written that ‘Justice is for all’, that ‘No one shall be discriminated against on basis of origin, color or creed’ the facts of daily life in America make a mockery of such high ideals.

This is obviously what prompted Joe Kennedy to tell JFK that all businessmen are SOB's. Apparently in the business world in America it seems there is always a certain amount of unethical activity (lying) but those who are used to that environment learn to live without a conscience with the risk/reward associated with it.

Indeed was it mere coincidence or Divine Providence that caused Hagens Berman to be nailed for about $10 million on a bottled water case when they tried to elevate it to a class action suit over their clients objections? Interestingly one of the clients was John Kennedy’s estate!

And as someone from Texas wrote after reading my book ‘First American Title To Injustice’, attorneys are officers of the court and the judges even more so and that is the real tragedy of your situation and for all Americans ultimately.

So as we celebrate the news of this new gift of life from God let us shy from American law books and its dubious clowns and take in God’s words knowing that in the end His Justice will prevail for ALL!

Ben Sira – Ecclesiasticus: 44: - 1

“Next let us praise illustrious men and women (Mommy),
Our ancestors in their successive generations…

In their descendants there remains
A rich inheritance born of them.

Their descendants stand by the covenants
And, thanks to them, so do their children’s children...

Their bodies have been buried in peace,

And their name lives on for all generations.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Power of Prayer and Peace


We met at Didier and Valerie on Thursday night to pray. Usually Valerie puts a photo of Marie Rose up on the table and after we share some stories Didier spells out our thanks and praises followed by our prayer intentions.

Last Thursday the list seemed long and we were particularly fervent. Lynda had gone through some surgery on Wednesday to do biopsies on lumps she had found. We prayed fervently for Lynda to place all of her trust in the Divine Will and for the results due on Friday to be good. I was most concerned about Lynda’s state of anxiety.

We prayed ardently for Eve and her most blessed Birthday on the next day, Friday February 9th. Didier and Valerie loved to hear how Cael (4 years old) has not forgotten Eve after a year and he still prays for her every night! We prayed that she realizes how much she is loved and missed and that she comes back home soon!

We prayed for Didier and Valerie’s grandpa who at 95 is bedridden.

We thanked all those in heaven who guided us to take a picture of Louis Michel Marimootoo’s tomb on January 4th and we prayed for Henri who was in turn guided to write an excellent article on my book ‘First American Title To Injustice’. We thanked God for enabling us to meet and asked Him to continue to guide our feet and minds.

We prayed that someone at First American will some day decide to verify the facts in the light of all the evidence on record and will offer reparation for a long enduring wrong so that we can all move on!


I believe that the peaceful Mauritian lifestyle is responsible for so many people to live actively beyond ninety years old. I told you about aunt Germaine buying a paper shredder at 92 years old and how she helps aunt Lilly (89) manage her computer!

Well! Last night Mimi Labat (95 years old) joined Godda, and I with her friend Stella to celebrate Eve’s birthday at Ginger Restaurant. We celebrated it there together last year and Mimi and I agreed to have an encore. Even in her absence Eve was well toasted by Mimi who started out with a scotch to end with wine! Mimi still drives her car all over town and goes to work to broadcast live on the air three times a week! I am trying to get her in the Guinness book of World Records for the person who has spent the longest in broadcasting (64 years) and who at 95 still goes live on the air! Mimi was presented an award by the Prime Minister, the Honorable Navinchandra Ramgoolam a few weeks ago!

On our return from the dinner I was delighted to pick up the phone to hear that the biopsies done on Lynda proved to be benign. Together we praised God on the phone! I love Him and pray that through His power He grants us all, long, peaceful and prayerful lives full of happiness.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

First American - The Higher the Rise - The Harder the Fall

Copy of post on Yahoo/Finance/FAF/Message Board to confirm authenticity of author.
Copy of a letter I addressed to a number of FAF major investors!

In the light of the recent stock run up, I ask: Are major investors taking this opportunity to get out? What’s causing the run up? Did Parkie press rewind? Is he ‘guaranteeing’ another dividend increase? Will this one materialize or is the stock being manipulated once again?

Re: First American Corporation – NYSE Trading Symbol: FAF

Dear Mr……..,

As of June 30, 2006, (Institution name) held X number of shares of First American Corporation for a total value of $X.

At page 148 of the Forbes issue of November 13, 2006, Scott Woolley spells out the obsolete nature of at least 70% of First American’s business.

Indeed taking a rare stab at honesty, Kennedy does state:

"Today anyone can instantly learn a property's square footage, its sales price history, even view satellite photos, at virtually no cost. If records are instantly accessible and accurate, the need for title insurance will fade away. "Eventually insurance won't be an important component of the product," he (Kennedy) allows." Forbes 11.13.06

Prior to the Forbes article, in a book published on August 31, 2006, I exposed First American and the inherent moral weaknesses and abusive practices of its key executives.

Quotes by Jerome Lasky of Moses & Singer (Attorneys), New York, can be found on pages 15 to 19. Other quotes by Kennedy, Klemens and Kermott (FAF’s – KKK clan) are reported on pages 178 to 182.

In my opinion, these quotes best reveal why First American is truly in business!

But, how much longer do those ‘featherbedders’ (see: W. Baldwin – Forbes Editor – Side Lines – Entitlements – P. 32 – Forbes November 13, 2006) deserve to stay in business?

Why are they getting so much increased negative attention from various State agencies and the press? Is it because FAF management is systemically devious and slick?

In 1999 The Feds compelled FAF to write down their financial statement due to ‘creative accounting’. Now in 2006 after being embroiled in a shameful ‘kickback schemes’ and paying millions of dollars in fines, First American may once again be forced to take another ‘write down’ as a result of backdating stock options!

How many more sticky fingers, (ooops I meant figures) can they put out before investors are stuck with their stock?

Are you sure you want to continue trusting people like Kennedy with your investors’ funds?

I hope that you enjoy my true to life book and that it helps you reach a wise and prudent decision concerning your clients’ investments.

You may obtain additional copies from: (

Most sincerely,

Louis Leclezio.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Coincidence or The Historical First American Way?

Part II:

On January 4, 2007 on the way back from the cemetery Didier invited me to watch a poignant movie on the Chagos Islands (Diego Garcia – US Base) produced by John Pilger based on research by Henri Marimootoo! It depicts the long enduring plight of the Chagos population after it was expropriated without compensation from its ancestral home to accommodate the Diego Garcia US base. All Didier said was: “I know that you will identify with that true to life story!” Indeed, I did.

On January 5, 2007, with the full impact of the movie fresh in my mind, I began to draw parallels.

I concluded that in the 1800s the foreigners that settled America pretended that the native first Americans did not exist as human beings and that they did not own their valuable land. The ruthless settlers brutally chased them away at gun point and/or slaughtered them.

In the 1900s another First American government deputy coerced the British to conceal important facts about the existence of the Native Chagos Islands population from the British Parliament and the US Congress. The ploy was to pretend that the Chagos Islands inhabitants did not exist and/or own their land. Thus the third generation of islanders could be dispossessed without any compensation and in a sordid cruel fashion. The US base could take over and install itself with no liability towards the indigenous population.

In the early 2000s, the First American Corporation, represented by Jim Dufficy and Hagens Berman could also equally ruthlessly and brutally meet under the cover of darkness to pretend that I was not a party of record and coerce their stooge, Federal court judge Thomas Zilly to dispossess me, a mere foreigner in the US, at pen point without any compensation. Despite all recorded documents and compelling evidence to the contrary which had been timely disclosed by records examiners, First American pretended that I did not exist and instructed judge Zilly to lie blatantly and accordingly in his court ruling!!!

But the similarities in greed motivated land grabs perpetrated by Americans over the centuries do not end there. Just like under British law, ‘King can do no wrong’, in the case of the Chagossians, the Queen was summoned to evoke her royal prerogative using an ‘Order in Council’ to overrule the British High Court decision. Thus the British Government was cleared of any and all wrong doing as vassals of the US.
Likewise under a unique Washington State law, R.C.W. 48-29-010 - ‘Title Companies can do no wrong’ - That law I believe is now unique to Washington State. It is a law that was instigated by Title companies’ lobbyists only after First American had engaged in criminal action. Judge Thomas Zilly (acting under instructions from Hagens and Berman as the real vassals of First American) was summoned to evoke that rare Washington State statute in order to, as in the case of the British, clear First American of any and all wrongdoing. Thus First American was exonerated by Zilly of any and all liability for dispossessing me of my land without any compensation.

Over centuries, is stealing land of Natives and/or ‘foreigners’ just a way of life in America? Strangely enough are property rights of fellow Americans considered sacred? Are those fellow Americans more sacred than other human beings?

As I point out in my book: “There is no suffering easier to dismiss than that of others.” Especially, if and when, somehow, ‘foreigners’ are considered to be less equal than others.

“… human suffering has no concept as to where the dividing line lies between the suffering of individuals, of families and that of entire nations. Indeed, because suffering shares a common pain factor, human beings should never assume that there is a dividing line between the pain of one single individual and his family and the pain of an entire nation. For, when one creature suffers, all of creation suffers.”

“Thus no matter how big or small we perceive ourselves to be at the individual or national level, we must humbly recognize that while we can all fall, above all, we are all called to climb.”

Fortunately, courts in the US have over the recent past recognized the most despicable wrongs inflicted on the American Natives, the true First Americans. The courts and the US government is now offering various methods of reparation.

But the people dispossessed of their sacred property rights in the Chagos are still fighting for adequate compensation.

Indeed, I met with Olivier Bancoult, the leader of a delegation of Chagos Islanders before they left Mauritius today February 2, 2007 for London. They were on their way to Europe to meet with their attorneys in England. While there, they were also to meet with US Congress representatives and EU leaders to expose their case and seek appropriate reparation for this long enduring wrong.

I was thrilled to present Olivier with copies of my book ‘First American Title To Injustice’. We were glad to know that we are to some extent in the same boat destined to sink or to sail through the storms of generalized American hot air power.

Realizing what I had also been through at the hands of another despicable First American over the last decade, Olivier shared a Creole saying with me to encourage me on: ‘Le Ker dimoune kapave kasse ferraye’. (Being committed enough to your cause, enables your heart to demolish iron structures).

I will gladly add my voice and offer any advice I can to the cause of all those who have been dispossessed without fair compensation by any arrogant American. Might is not right. Concurrently I will continue to seek appropriate reparation in my own individual case against First American until justice is served.

Didier was right on! After reading my book he had concluded that I would be able to identify with the Chagossians. Having also suffered and been there I can share their plight intensely. I identify!

But my personal pain dims when I compare our family ordeal at the hands of the First American Corporation and its legal court vassals with the despicable acts of another First American and its British Royal court and queenly vassal!

I offered Olivier 3 basic ways to assess real estate value on the Chagos.

1). Replacement value.
2). Market value.
3). Income value.

How much would it cost to replace the Chagos?
How much did the US pay for the Chagos in the 60s & 70s?
How much is the principal amount worth today with compound statutory interest at 12%?
How much does the US propose paying the British for the extension of the US lease?
How much should be added for pain and suffering?

Excerpts from BBC report:

"A very sad and by no means creditable episode in British history."

“That was how Sir Sydney Kentridge QC, barrister for the Chagos islanders or Ilois, described their forced removal from their "paradise" homeland in the 1960s and 1970s.”

“A memo from then Foreign Secretary Michael Stewart to Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson in 1969 admitted that the payment was kept secret from Parliament and the US Congress.”

“British politicians, diplomats and civil servants began a campaign - in their own words – ‘to maintain the pretence there were no permanent inhabitants’ on the islands.”

“This was vital, because proper residents would have to be recognized as people ‘whose democratic rights have to be safeguarded’”.

“The inhabitants therefore became non-people.”

Excerpts from Washington Post January 2, 2007

The U.S. Has a Moral Duty To the People of Diego Garcia
By David Vine
Tuesday, January 2, 2007; Page A17

“Forty years ago, on Dec. 30, 1966, at the U.S. Embassy in London, representatives of the U.S. and British governments met, as one participant later put it, "under the cover of darkness" to sign an "exchange of notes" giving the United States the right to create what was to become a major military base on Diego Garcia, an obscure British island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. In doing so they made provision for "those administrative measures" necessary to forcibly deport the entire native population of the island and the surrounding Chagos Archipelago.”

“Lee Hamilton, then a member of Congress and now co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group, asked a State Department representative if the government had any legal or moral responsibility for the people. The representative replied, ‘We have no legal responsibility. Moral responsibility is a term, sir, that I find difficult to assess.’"

Is this the generic American way? Did Jim Dufficy write: “The company has no duty to do the right thing…” Is the American way designed to ‘Let lies wipe out lives’!

“Forty years almost to the day after the signing of the initial Diego Garcia agreement, there should be no difficulty in assessing the responsibility of the United States:”

Likewise, there is no difficulty in assessing the full impact of First American’s participation in fraud while requesting and drafting an Indemnity agreement in its favor to facilitate a crime!

I recommend the links to the BBC and Washington Post articles below. Stay tuned for more reporting soon.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Coincidence? Miracle? Answer to prayer?

Part I:

Dear All,

I have told you in a previous post how our cousin, Didier Lenferna, pushes the spiritual aspect of my book ‘First American Title To Injustice’. I have also already told you about the numerous ‘Clin Dieu’ associated with his mother.

But, are you all ready for this one?

If I were the guys at First American or at Hagens Berman, I would be worried. For there are forces screaming for justice definitely at work here. I believe that those forces are a lot more powerful than Dufficy and/or Hagens Berman and/or I will ever be.

On January 4, 2007, Didier took us to pray on his mother’s tomb. Part of my prayer was: “Dear Lord, I do not know how? I do not know when? But here is an excellent young man who honors his mother. May Marie Rose and many other loved ones in heaven intercede so that all past wrongs affecting our lives on earth may be righted for the greater benefit of all some day.”

On that day, I took a picture of Didier cleaning his mother’s tomb at 9:03 AM. (See post dated January 5, 2007)

God alone knows why on the way out of the cemetery, I was attracted towards another tomb. I decided to take a picture of that tomb at 9:29 AM for whatever reason.

Looking back, If I were to discount the work of ‘Divine Providence’ I would say that I took that picture because the name of the deceased was also Louis! But there are thousands of tombs and dozens of Louis in that cemetery! So why was I drawn to that particular one?

On Sunday January 28, 2007, as you know, there was a lengthy article in the Week End paper on my book: ‘First American Title To Injustice’. The author’s name was not mentioned. Since I had not been interviewed, I had no idea who wrote the article?

On Monday January 29 and Tuesday January 30 we spent all day with our lawyer friend who was here from Seattle for four days only!

So finally yesterday, January 31, 2007, I called the Week End paper and asked for the name of the reporter? When I was put through to him, he told me that his name is Henri Marimootoo. I asked him what had prompted him to write such a detailed article about ‘First American Title To Injustice’? He simply said that he had come across the book, purchased it, read it, liked it and decided to comment on it!
That was the simple answer.

I then remembered the picture I took at the cemetery in St. Jean after we left Marie Rose’s tomb site on January 4, 2007! I asked him if he was related to the Marimootoo family buried in that cemetery? He told me that was his dad! In turn, he asked me how I knew about it or came by it? I promptly related the incredible set of circumstances to him!

Indeed, as I am writing this blog, I just looked at the picture of his dad’s tomb to know how to spell their name and I realize that Mr. Marimootoo’s dad and I not only share the same name with my grand father whose birthday was on January 4th., but his father died on the same date as my mother did on November 18, and my father and Mr. Marimootoo’s dad died at the same age, 84!

Coincidence? Miracle? Answer to prayer?

Who led me to that tomb and then to take a picture of it and to remember that name on January 31? Who led Mr. Marimootoo my book and to write the article?

I believe in Divine Providence. I believe in God. I believe in prayer. I believe in the intercessory powers of our loved ones in heaven. I believe in miracles! Big and small!

I am most thankful to God for opening my eyes to all those coincidences that I choose to refer to solely as miracles and answer to prayer.

I thank God for the multiplicity of miracles in our lives. They keep me going believing that I am on the right track and that I must never surrender.

I thank God for prolonging my life. I thank Him for letting me survive from my cancer surgery, from the side effects of my chemo treatment, from my heart troubles although my blood still boils when I think of First American as represented by Dufficy. I ask God for the necessary hope, faith and courage necessary to persevere in the pursuit of justice for the greater good of all.

I thank all those we love in heaven and on earth for interceding for our family, for standing by me urging me to keep at it until justice prevails hopefully in our lifetime.

Surely, all at First American Title cannot be of Dufficy’s ilk! I pray that some day, someone will delve into my file and justice will be finally served.

The wheels of justice grind slowly but, thank God, they do grind eternally!

For Part II of this fascinating story, consult this blog again over the next few days!