Monday, December 21, 2015


A Saviour is born to come and feed the world from His manger!

A bright star lit up the skies of the world!


CHOIRS of angels sang:


2015 ago, only monkeys, thinking themselves above it all,  closed their ears to those choirs of angels echoing their message of love, peace and joy throughout the skies.

2015 years later, it is still only monkeys that close their ears to our saviour's birth!

Indeed as Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen points out:

"There were only two classes of people who heard the choirs of angels on Christmas night: shepherds and wise men. 

Shepherds: those who know they know nothing. 

Wise men: those who know they do not know everything. 

Thus, only the very simple and very learned discovered God".

Never the monkeys who closed their ears then and still close their ears now!

None so deaf as those who choose not to hear any compelling witnessing!

None so blind as those who do not want to see the Truth, the Way and the Light of the world!

Wishing all an earful, a sightful, a peacefu, a prayerful, a joyful and a blessed Christmas.

Monday, November 02, 2015

James J. Dufficy - Re: REtitle... What goes around comes around....

To: James J Dufficy, ex first american title, ex stewart title, ex national title insurance of new york, ex REtitle...., ex-, ex-, ex.... What's next?

Hi Dufficy, aka Jim Dufficy,

What a small circle you keep rolling around in guy!!!

I was not surprised to see that you reconnected with retired judge George Finkle. Was your latest effort to acquire control of REtitle yet another attempt by you to subvert the path of justice through the use of someone who has, for unknown reasons, granted you a sympathetic ear in the past?

How lucky of you to have once again found retired judge George Finkle to go your way and to temporarily approve your proposed purchase of Mason County Title Insurance Company! Did you truly find that specific judge by sheer coincidence?

Or, did you conveniently forget to disclose your past relationship with retired judge George Finkle before unnecessarily engaging all parties concerned in the expenses involved with those prolonged hearings?

What a fickle world we live in! 

You will surely recall that it was the same retired judge George Finkle who had, against all expectations, taken your side as officer of the First American Title Insurance Company in my solid case against them some 15 years ago.

You will no doubt, likewise remember that Steve Berman, one of the top 100 lawyers in the US had opined that my law suit against First American was a "No Lose Case". (See Berman letter below)

On this All Souls day, November 2, 2015, I rejoice at the thought that the initial conditional order granted to you on April 2, 2015, by said retired judge George Finkle was, luckily for all, finally vacated on October 21, 2015!!!

I still hope and pray that in the next world you will finally discover the meaning of ever lasting true justice for all.

Good luck James Duff... as you go on huff, huffing and puff, puffing your icy cold scheming air around you.

In the hope that you still read my blog and will find my message adressed to you thereon. Sorry that I could not find your email address. Mine has never had to change. Just in case you also forgot that, it is still:

Louis Leclezio.

P.S. Have you ever wished that you had never connived to cause First American to defraud me of my due? Do you recall to whom you diverted the benefits of my solid claim?

Please also Google up: "First American Title to Injustice" - Retired judge George Finkle. I published that book in 2006. It became a main exhibit in a Federal case in Massachusetts.

It reveals how retired judge George Finkle unexpectedly appeared on the scene at the time. 

After reading about that episode, do the following questions beg for answers?

Was the case against Big Tobacco possibly fixed?

Was my "No Lose" case against First American also fixed?

What did the case involving Nestle, the Kennedy family and Steve Berman reveal?

In my case involving First American Title, James J. Dufficy, Steve Berman and retired judge George Finkle, the rest of the story now, in 2015, appears to continue to unfold thru the latest REtitle/Dufficy/Finkle saga!

Friday, March 27, 2015


As Holy Week and Easter are fast approaching... We may like to reflect over the following: Please tap on picture to view whole text. Thank you - Good Meditation