Friday, February 08, 2008

First Advantage Corporation to present at Deutsche Bank.


My previous post on February 6, 2008 on Yahoo and on my blog has attracted so much interest that some further comments are appropriate.

Press Release: Tuesday January 15, 7:30 am ET – Source: The First American Corporation - NYSE Trading symbol: FAF
The First American Corporation Announces Plan to Separate Its Financial Services and Information Solutions CompaniesCreates Two Pure Play Companies-

“…The Information Solutions company, which will consist primarily of the current Property Information and Mortgage Information segments, as well as First American's 75 percent interest !!! in First Advantage Corporation (Nasdaq: FADV - News), will remain at the existing holding company, which will be renamed prior to the separation.”

“…Parker S. Kennedy will become executive chairman of BOTH companies.”

What is so difficult to comprehend about that?

I have followed and watched these gangsters for over 12 years.

I know, I understand and I comprehend these slick scam artists better than most!

In fact I know them so well that I have written a book citing their wild blurts. The book has been made an important exhibit in a multi million dollar Federal Court case.

Furthermore I have taped and still possess a recording of Kennedy ‘GUARANTEEING’ a dividend increase that never materialized. The sole purpose of Kennedy’s false guarantee at the time was to give a much needed boost to the FAF stock price!

I understand their moves so well that I know that every time the most senior execs find themselves in deep shit, they use the shit to muddy the waters and create a much needed distraction.

Check out my recent post: ‘FAF splits – Interesting Timing’! You might also comprehend why FAF needs to split NOW!

Note that FAF presented at Lehman Bothers in London, UK on May 17, 2007.

Reminder: Review FAF’s historic prices over the period May 2007 to October 2007. A mere six months!

Yahoo link:

Five months later:

Do you think investors at Lehman were ripped off or not?

Try to comprehend how slick those boys are and how they cunningly manipulate the FAF stock price making it explode and implode at will like clock work!

Try to comprehend how important it is for these scam artists to arrive with an already rising stock price on presentation day. (Deutsce Bank – Naples, Florida - Wednesday, February 13, 2008, at 4:40 p.m. EST.) That is how those slick operators create the buying frenzy that follows the presentation.

Parker Kennedy, the executive chairman of BOTH ‘FAF’ and ‘FADV’ has played that trick over and over again!

Under the new FADV flag, Kennedy is setting the stage for an ‘encore’. Only this time, Kennedy is using Lamson as a puppet and FADV as a different $$$$ conduit! But it all boils down to yet another rip off, yet another abuse of investor confidence!

As the ‘FAF’ & ‘FADV’ senior execs are setting the stage for an encore, I wonder if the Deutsche Bank exec who decided to host this conference in Naples Florida got clearance from the Deutsche Bank highest hierarchy. They have been warned about these Yankee doodles and their dog and phony show in the past!

A company is only as good or as rotten as its head is!

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