Monday, August 13, 2007

First American Title To Injustice

Book Presentation & Distribution Proposal

August 15, 2007

A new book entitled "The American Title Insurance Industry," by Joseph Eaton, David Eaton, and Tom Vilsack was released on August 1, 2007. Its subtitle is "How a Cartel Fleeces the American Consumer." Professor Joseph Eaton (U. Pittsburg) has a very impressive biography on Wikipedia. Professor David Eaton is a Bess Harris Jones Centennial Professor of Natural Resources Policy Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Tom Vilsack, of course, is the ex-Gov. of Iowa.

Two commentaries on that book review state: "In this important and fascinating book, the authors expose a scam that has fleeced Americans of billions of their hard-earned dollars since World War II.” “But they (authors) go on to charge that, beyond mere obsolescence, the title insurance industry is guilty of anticompetitive pricing, overcharging, and possibly fraud.”

The media across the United States has consistently exposed the scams and common abuses inflicted by the title industry upon the American public. Even the usually pro big business Forbes magazine came out with a scathing article on November 13, 2006 highlighting the obsolescence of the First American Title Company and others. Additionally the industry has been the subject of recent Congress hearings.

Another little known book so far, First American Title To Injustice, by Louis Leclézio, was published by Keystar Publications and released in August 2006. Leclézio has neither the impressive credentials of the authors mentioned above nor does he have the name recognition of a magazine such as Forbes.

But Bhishmadev Seebaluck accurately pin points the captivating aspect of this uncommon book. It reveals a different dark facet of the thoroughly corrupt title industry. In his preface to First American Title To Injustice, Mr. Seebaluck writes: “Louis Leclézio has invested all his faith, hope and bitterness in this revealing book which beats all attempts at fiction writing. This work is a penetrating ‘cri de coeur’ which reaches out to the reader and touches the innermost recesses of his heart. First American Title to Injustice is edifying, vindicating. It makes compelling reading… at one sitting.”

For reasons made obvious in the book, Leclézio had limited funds to publish, to promote and to market his book. But that in no way diminishes the broad implications the book should have on the American title industry and the American justice system. Indeed the book has already attracted a number of very positive comments from various circles.

The book was officially launched in the Republic of Mauritius at the opening of World Book Day celebrations on April 28, 2007 by an eminent scholar, the Prime Minister of the Republic. On that occasion, Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam, a highly respected figure on the world stage commented as follows: “… the National Library has been behind the launching of several books, the next one being one by Mr. Louis Leclézio, whose family has a long standing friendship with mine.

Mr Leclézio swam against the tide – he has gone against the brain drain to come back to the country after many years in the United States. His book “First American Title To Injustice” is an eye opener and I commend it to you all. Especially to those who think the grass is greener on the other side.”

After its publication in August 2006, the book found a place on the shelves of the local bookstores. From there, First American title To Injustice made it in the local press and on the World Wide Web.
The following comment was picked up on the Crime & Federalism site on the web:
“I read in the Sept 1-7, 2006 issue of the "News on Sunday" circulated in Mauritius, an article called "Hitting Back at America". The author calling himself "The Rambler" was describing a book by Mauritian author Louis Leclézio that was predicted to "likely make strong ripples like a tsunami in the United States, and it hits hard against some American giants and the American type of justice". The book's title is "First American Title to Injustice". I was intrigued as I am with all things Mauritian and took the article home with me to wait and see as to the progress of this tsunami-book. As it is, I still can't find the book on or other sources where I would have quickly bought the book, and now remain surprised that a book with such enormous impact doesn't seem to be on the radar screen of the major book vendors in the USA. The point is, please direct me where this book can be purchased. Maybe I can buy it at Bookcourt in Port Louis during my next visit?? thanks in advance.
Posted by: F. R. Smith Mar 28, 2007 3:27:05 PM
A major week end paper also carried an article in color on the book. (See attached) The well known journalist who was recognized at Harvard for past articles had picked up a copy of the book in a local bookstore. After writing the article, Mr. Henri Marimootoo contacted the author, Louis Leclézio and strongly recommended that the book and his article be distributed to his fellow members of the investigative press in the US. That journalist and numerous others who have read the book perceive that there should be broad appeal for the book in the US.
Indeed Leclézio was recently interviewed to appear on a locally well known prime time TV show. After the show covering Leclézio and First American Title To Injustice is aired in Mauritius, it will be forwarded to US producers such as Oprah and a number of US channels.
With the recent launching of "The American Title Insurance Industry," by Joseph Eaton, David Eaton, and Tom Vilsack in the US, it appears the time has come for the book by Leclézio to be also launched on the American market. Louis Leclézio hopes that First American Title To Injustice can be sold side by side with "The American Title Insurance Industry".

To Recap

Why First American Title To Injustice will sell well in the US?

First American Title To Injustice distinguishes itself from the spate of newspaper articles and other books covering the well publicized scams and abuses perpetrated by the title industry.

It is a poignant true to life story. It shows how an all mighty title insurer destroyed the family’s resolve to live out the American dream to the full after immigrating to the US. The book speaks of the trials and tribulations the family went through while attempting at all costs to safeguard that dream.

Who is likely to read the book?

Every American who has ever dealt in real estate and purchased fraudulently mandated title insurance should read the book.

Are chapter titles thought provocative enough?


Chapter 1: The storm gathers.
Chapter 2: “No duty to do the ethical thing”.
Chapter 3: Enter Hagens and Berman.
Chapter 4: A bullet proof case.
Chapter 5: “A couple of thousand bucks”.
Chapter 6: Money-making business.
Chapter 7: Agenda in hiding.
Chapter 8: Puppet on a string.
Chapter 9: “Do you feel like jumping from a bridge?”
Chapter 10: A mock trial.
Chapter 11: Sacrificial lamb.
Chapter 12: When insult is added to injury.
Chapter 13: Wanted: A miracle.
Chapter 14: Courtroom or theater stage?
Chapter 15: The games that lawyers and judges play.
Chapter 16: Clowns and jugglers.
Chapter 17: Scandals galore.
Chapter 18: Reflections and flashbacks.

The book containing some 220 pages has an attractive cover.

Is there sufficient name recognition?

First American Title… is a household name in the US.

It has been the subject of recent Congress hearings.
It has been sued by various States as reported in the press across the US.
Forbes (November 13, 2006) has a lengthy article and an editorial on First American.

Hagens Berman… is also a well known name. It has often been covered in press reports across the US.

Hagens and Berman have been involved in a number of landmark class action cases such as: Boeing, ‘Big Tobacco’, Enron, and the Average Wholesale Price litigation against the Pharmaceutical Industry to name but a few!

The book by Leclézio offers a challenging perspective into some of the intricacies and possible intrigues involved in wins and losses scored by Hagens and Berman in US courts of law.

Indeed in today’s virtual world, the notion of right or wrong is too often superseded by motions of law that convert the illegal into the legal at the strike of a judge’s pen.


The author shares the name ‘Leclézio’ with his cousin, Jean Marie Le Clézio, the well known author.

The topic, title insurance is a hot and current issue.


James J. Dufficy: As Dufficy was speaking, I could not help but think that in life there are obviously those who having a small profile engage in petty blue collar crime yet receive much attention. And then there are those who having a larger profile have no shame plundering millions of dollars in white collar crime. Yet, they manage through connections and the law to remain out of detention.I further considered that regardless of the level of crime, common criminals share the same tools of the trade to break into somebody’s property and steal value – Blue collar criminals hammer and ax through doors and walls while white collar gangsters hammer and ax through documents and agreements.

In the end all criminals share a common objective. They all attempt to bag their haul in silence hoping that silence will somehow serve to squash the sin. (p. 20.)First American Title Insurance: Apparently the First American senior vice president for claims had endorsed that public company policy. In a letter addressed to me, dated March 24th 1998, James J. Dufficy had stated that his company had no duty vis-à-vis the public to do the 'correct’ thing. (p. 50)Steve Berman: Then we prayed as we still do now, that some day before it is too late the Judge and lawyers such as Berman, will, like Bartimeus, turn away from the blinding law and its bitter fruits towards God and the Spirit and say:
“Master, Lord Judge of all, we want to see…!” (p.123.)

American Congress: I hope that through this book, through the American Congress and through the court of public opinion, the lawlessness of a few will end up serving the best interests of the many. (p.141.)

We grasped that in the light of God we can question the dark actions of man, but through the dark actions of man we cannot question the light of God. (p.176.)

Yet through God’s grace, we had refused to jump from a bridge. We had refused to yield to the devils of despair so hard at work at the anvils of evil. (p. 197)

“May our family’s suffering at the hands of Hagens and Berman and First American open a window on universal misery. May the poor, hungering for justice, point to the spiritual dearth of the opulent. May the anguish of those who are condemned to live in penury, expose the decaying heart of those who languish in the lap of luxury.”


Louis Leclezio,
Mary Gold Street,
Forest Side,
Republic of Mauritius.

Tel. + 230 – 670-7120
US Tel. (206) 331-3984


Keystar Publications,
Mary Gold Street,
Forest Side,
Republic of Mauritius.


The book leaves the reader with a compelling spiritual message. The Justice of the above through The Truth, the Light and the Life are the only way!

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