Friday, August 11, 2006

Living Faith...

Dear Children and Grand Children,


This is a different version of 'If.' as written by your now distant cousin, Rudyard Kipling.

If I did not believe with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind in God the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit I would find that so spooky that I would not dare mention it! But because I do believe, I am most grateful for small miracles as they come to shore up our faith and lead us to believe even more when we need it the most!

Have you read Living Faith today!

I swear to God and to you ALL that yesterday when the Spirit led me to write what I did to you, I had NO idea what the reading would be about today!

You will then obviously join me in praising the awsomeness of GOD!

We all join together in wishing Claire a happy feast day today and Lou & Marik a happy anniversary on the 13th!

I love you ALL.

Hugs and kisses from your Bopbops.

P.S. Indeed, the title of the day's reading - One Step at a Time - just stepped out at me now while scanning!!!

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