Thursday, August 24, 2006

First American Title ...

August 23 2006

Dear Children and Grand children,

Re: First American Title To Injustice.

We were complete strangers when we first met! But having worked closely with me over the last 8 months, the editor of my book has obviously felt deeply the stirring emotions our family went through. Indeed, he understands that we have been scarred for life by the actions of First American.

Here are some excerpts from what he wrote to me yesterday:

“My dear Louis,

I have been meaning to write this letter to you for quite some time now.

Like you, I am very anxiously waiting for the book to come out of press. I don’t know if the gynecologist who delivers a baby does so with the same expectation and restlessness as the father who has begotten it,but I can assure you that I am looking forward to seeing the first copy of the book with the same intensity as its author.

My dear Louis, it’s been a real pleasure interacting with you for the past eight months or so. Complete strangers, we have now been bound by the hands of destiny in a web of friendship which I hope will last.
When I fist saw the thickness of the manuscript which your fertile brain had produced, I felt quite apprehensive. But, by and by, I have greatly appreciated your readiness to listen to my suggestions and eventually agree to have it published in two separate volumes.

In a world where vultures of the caliber of First American and Hagens & Berman are constantly on the prowl for unsuspecting victims, it is gratifying to come across souls like you who are prepared to share whatever they have with others.

This thought in itself has more than compensated whatever effort I may have put in making your book see the light of day. You see, my dear Louis, it’s been a labour of love all through, a labour of love that requires no further compensation or payment.

The book is coming out soon, and I know you are now engaged in the herculean task of marketing it. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and watch the sales grow. I pray with all my heart that it achieves a very great success, for your own self-satisfaction and vindication.

In the meantime, here’s wishing you and your children and grandchildren the best of everything in this life and above all the next. May God always shower His choisest blessings on all of you! "

I believe that the following excerpt from my book had a profound effect on the editor. May it touch all those who read the book and lead them to the light of GOD.

“There is no suffering easier to bear or to totally discount than that of others. At times we felt that like some other martyrs we had been gassed or burnt alive. Yet through God’s grace, we had refused to jump from a bridge. We had refused to yield to the devils of despair so hard at work at the anvils of evil.”

“While telling us to ‘get on with our life’ did Hagens and Berman ever wonder how easy or difficult it was for those who suffered from the Holocaust to get on ‘normally’ with their lives rendered so abnormal?”

“If not for those victims’ courage, perseverance and burning desire to expose and search for reparations for crimes of the past, would the world not be a much poorer place today?”

“In fact, enduring individual cases relating to the holocaust, some fifty nine years later, underscore the fact that human suffering has no concept as to where the dividing line lies between the suffering of individuals, of families and that of entire nations. Indeed, because suffering shares a common pain factor, human beings should never assume that there is a dividing line between the pain of one single individual and his family and the pain of an entire nation. For, when one creature suffers, all of creation suffers.”

“Fixing our eyes on yet another world, we understood that it is often in losing that we win.”

God bless,

I love you ALL.


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