Monday, October 30, 2006

How many people have read about First American Title?

How many more will? How many more should?

I am so proud of my 11 year old grand daughter. The following is the mail I just received from her!

Hey Boppa,
I just wanted to tell you that i am reading your book and i was amazed at how cruel First American Title was to you. I was telling my social studies teacher about it and about everything that has happened and she was like wow...this sounds like a book i would like to read, is there any chance there is an extra copy i could read and i was like yeah my mom brought back a whole box full of them, and you could buy one if you would like. She was so happy and so she said yeah...bring me a copy tomorrow and i will buy it off of you. So i just wanted to let you know about that because i thought that it was kind of cool.
love you always

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you so so much and am so happy that you are my grandfather! I am proud that you are so succesful(? Im a bad speller) well i just wanted to let you know thati love you and am keeping you in my prayers.
love always