Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Forbes reports on First American Title…

The timing of the Forbes article coinciding with the release of my book and my trip to Europe could not have been better planned. I was glad to have the opportunity to present my book to some of the most influential bankers in Europe just 10 days before Forbes article came out. It confirms virtually all I had to say. Poor Parker and Dufficy aka. Duff, duff the tuff puff, puff guy! Let's all stick them in the eye!

Since Kennedy, Dufficy and First American stole a few million dollars from me, it has cost them millions more. And it is likely to continue costing them lots and lots more. Especially so now that the American legislators, the business press and the public is wizening up to First American unamerican ways, it is causing them to endeavor to exploit foreign markets!

My book ‘First American Title To Injustice’ does not only vindicate me. But as someone wrote on the FAF/Yahoo message board: “…it (The Forbes article) comes right out and describes today's title insurance industry as out-and-out thievery. And this from a staunchly pro-business magazine -- not Ralph Nader, not Bob Hunter, not Ken Harney/Wash Post, not Joe Treaster/NYT, but Forbes.”

“…when Forbes begins to sound like Public Citizen, the Fat Lady is tuning up.”
Also published on the Yahoo/FAF message board.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Could you post a link to the Forbes article you referenced in your post? Thank you.